Sunday, June 21, 2009

The meaning of OBAMA...

Obama means: "One Big Ass Mistake, America". That pretty much sums it up, doesn't it!! From his (Pelosis') ideas on healthcare right up to the press release on Iran...ONE BIG MISTAKE AFTER ANOTHER!!

He's real STRONG on healthcare & real WEAK on International Politics, that's "BASS-ACKWARDS" in MY book!! The world is laughing at US because of this Jackass!! We've NEVER been perceived as weak before. Now every Tom, Dick, & HABIB is going to think he can take us on!! I mean, look at what North Korea is doing, for Gods sake!!

This situation is just PITIFULL!! I believe it is TIME for the "Pubs" to grab their "Nads" & get a backbone with this guy and his political circus before it's TOO LATE to pull it back from the brink. Who knows, might already be too late for all WE know. Can't seem to get too many Republicans to open their mouths except for McCain & a couple of Freshman. Even Lieberman is al hush-hush. And Teddy, well...he's probably medically "PICKLED" at home.

Obama had to be SHAMED into the piss-poor release they DID let out today. The FIRST one was so "Limp-wristed", I'll bet he practically CHOKED on it!! Even the damned FRENCH used stronger wording than the "Prez" did!! That's NOT GOOD!!

Oh, well...We can THANK the limp-wristed, tree-hugging, bark-humping, fruitcake, Obama-bots who voted for him.

At least I have the pleasure of knowing that this country has been in WORSE spots before. Johnson, Carter, Clinton to name a few. We bounced back then, too. Hope we have one more in us.

Keep your powder dry & your guns're gonna NEED'em! BILL

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